Source it. Plan it.

Planning meetings, events
and leisure travel has never been easier.

Great Planning Starts Here.

Find Direct Resources for Leisure & Business travel or Meetings & Events

Get the details and find the contacts you need to save money and make intelligent decisions.

Keep Track of Every Leisure or Business Travel Detail in Private Itineraries

Keep your important details and schedules in one place. Access them from any device.

Instantly Send and Save Supplier RFPs for Meetings and Special Events

Fast and perfect for coordinating every type of meeting, special event, or experience.

Get Started

First, create a free account. It only takes a minute.

Planology is open to everyone, but its exclusive features - like creating private itineraries, sending instant group and event supplier RFPs, and posting product reviews are reserved for logged-in users. Sign up now at no cost to access these features.

Choose Your Location, Choose Your View, and Press Go.

Our Leisure Travel view is designed to guide you to the ideal experience tailored to your desires and needs. Just remember to press "Go" whenever you modify a location or a view.

For professionals and individuals organizing significant events — from corporate meetings and special events to weddings and family reunions — our Meeting and Event Planner View presents a curated selection of products and services with all-direct pricing to fit the unique demands of each planner.

Planology Search Steps

Finding the right products and services

When you select a category, browse terms (highlighted in red below) to help you quickly narrow your search and get you to the products or services you seek.

Planology Browse Terms Explained

To learn more, reserve or make a purchase when in Leisure View

To explore any product of interest, simply select its image, title, or the 'Learn More' button to be taken directly to the source for that item.

Transactions are carried out exclusively between you and the supplier, without any hidden costs or commissions from Planology, guaranteeing an honest and clear buying process.

How to get to the direct supplier in Planology

Utilize Advanced Search When You Need More Precision

If a simple browse doesn't suffice, Advanced Search is your go-to tool. Input keywords or phrases into the "Search For" box. You can even search within a specific price range if suppliers have provided pricing details. Bear in mind, that a price-based search may yield fewer results since not all suppliers may have listed prices at the moment. Remember to adjust your View settings to filter for the leisure or meeting & Events product types you're interested in.

Once signed in, start creating your initial itinerary.

The option for Private Itineraries is designed for guest users focused on Leisure and Business Travel.

Meeting and Event Planners will enjoy the ability to create and save "Groups". This feature allows for the sending and saving of instant Group Product RFPs, facilitating a swift kickoff to your planning endeavors.

Planology Personal Itinerary Creation and Management

Within the Leisure View, to keep track of all the exciting details and personal notes for your journeys, initiate your own private itinerary by selecting the prominently featured "Add New Itinerary" link. You are empowered to create, store, and modify an unlimited number of itineraries to suit your every adventure. Input your expenses to keep a personal tally; these figures are for your eyes only and won't be shared when you email itinerary details to friends or family.


Navigate through your itineraries with ease using the menu button, where you can also make updates to any itinerary you've created.


As always online, avoid entering sensitive information. Exercise the same discretion here as you would with any other application.


Feel free to create and save as many itineraries as you want — there are no restrictions on the number you can have.


A sample itinerary view is provided below for your reference.


The "Hot Deals and Dates" section is precisely what it promises – a dedicated space where Planology's partner suppliers present exclusive, time-sensitive offers for both leisure travel and group products.

It's a treasure trove of value that you won't want to miss, so make it a habit to check in regularly every time you visit the site. You might just stumble upon some fantastic bargains.

Remember to adjust your view settings accordingly to ensure you're exploring the right deals for your intended travel or meeting & event planning needs.

Planology's Meetings and Events View is all about speed, efficiency, and all-direct savings.

Changing to the meeting and event planner product view
Group Menu Function Button

When the Meetings & Events View is selected, the top right navigation links change.

When you switch to the Meetings & Events View on Planology, the search engine's functionality adapts to the specific needs of meeting and event planning. The navigation links in the top right corner transform to serve a new purpose.

Gone is the option to craft Itineraries; in its place, you gain the capability to create and manage "Groups." This is the hub where all the vital components of your event come together, enabling you to save important details and instantly dispatch detailed RFPs (Requests for Proposals) to suppliers for any program, event, or experience you are orchestrating. There are no constraints on the number of groups you can set up or the volume of RFPs you can distribute and archive.


For instance:


If you're organizing an annual corporate incentive trip and have named it the "2025 President’s Club," you have the freedom to generate and send a single RFP or any number of them to various suppliers. Both you and the supplier will receive email copies of each RFP for confirmation, follow-up, and records. Every RFP is securely stored within your "2025 President’s Club" Group folder, allowing you to log in anytime to review, amend, and resend any RFP.


The same principle applies to more personal gatherings such as weddings or family reunions. Simply locate the desired service or supplier, label your group (e.g., "Smith Wedding"), and at the click of a button, you can send off and save comprehensive RFPs tailored to your unique event requirements.

To Send the Supplier Below a Group RFP From Within the Meeting & Event Planner View

Click the Send Group RFP link. This will open an RFP pre-addressed to your vendor. Fill in the blank fields. Press Submit.

You receive an email copy and the vendor receives an email copy for their prompt follow-up.

You can log in anytime to edit and resubmit RFPs.

Planology Group Sales RFP Feature

To Edit, Amend and Resend Any RFP

Simply select your RFP from your sent RFP list and click the edit icon under Action.

Planology RFP table view

I trust this brief guide has been of assistance to you. Planology stands out as an incredibly user-friendly planning application. Feel free to craft unlimited private itineraries and distribute as many group RFPs as your ventures require. 

Please spread the word about us to your friends and colleagues. For those keen to discover new suppliers, explore exciting features, and uncover destination highlights across the globe, please register your interest below. We're committed to simplifying your travel and meeting arrangements, delivering unmatched efficiency and helping you save money.

When you decide to buy, you purchase everything directly from each supplier. Planology collects no commissions or referral fees of any kind.

John Hendrickson

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